Events and Activities

March-July 2024


Planning: A year of remembrance in Hamburg

There are several associations and institutions in Hamburg that are organising and implementing events and activities to mark the 10th anniversary of the genocide of the Yazidis (Ezidis) for one year from 3 August this year. The Hamburger Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (Hamburg State Agency for Civic Education), Women for Justice e.V. and IKW e.V. are the organisers.

As part of this focus, we want to plant trees in Hamburg together with others in memory of Yazidis (Ezidis) and their children who are still in “IS” captivity. The idea is to plant trees and life for them.

Permanent Activity

Meeting female survivors

We understand meetings with female survivors as the basis of all our work. We have been meeting female survivors from Sinjar (Şengal) both as inviduals and in groups. Besides social care and legal advice, we try to find out methods to enable Yazidi (Ezidi) survivors to make their own decisions in life here in Germany.