November 2021
Events and Activities

Donation for the running of the kindergarten in Xanesor
Also this year Aktion der kleine Prinz in cooperation with Women for Justice e. V. and Aktion Hoffnungsschimmer e. V. donated to the kindergarten in Xanesor. For three years, the running of the kindergarten, which is supervised locally by our cooperation partners of the Ezidi Woman Support League, was supported with € 3,000 each.
October 2021
Great progress in the construction of the kindergarten in Serdeşt
In addition to the existing kindergarten in Xanesor, we have been building another kindergarten in the Serdeşt area since February this year. There should be room for at least 50 children between the ages of 2 and 5. In the past months there has been great progress in the construction, as you can see in the picture gallery.
Children have the right to be children. They have special needs. Children should come together with other children, shall interchange, play together supported by a pedagogic concept which adress their competences and skills. This will strengthen their efforts at school. Also families and especially mothers will be relieved who are also traumatized. A Kindergarten willhave positive affects on the psycological and pysical situation of children and their families.
October 2021
Cooperation project "FERMAN - When people survive genocide" starts
With pride and full of motivation we would like to announce the start of a new project: On 01 October this year, after a long and intensive period of preparation, the project “FERMAN – When people survive genocide” will start in cooperation with the Bergen-Belsen Memorial. It is conceived as a documentation and education project on the genocide of the Yazidis (Ezidis) of 2014 and is scheduled to run until December 31, 2023.
Three main building blocks map out the content in more concrete terms:
- An archive will be created (especially from in-depth interviews with survivors) to make the data available to interested parties and to be able to create educational material from it.
- Workshops with survivors will be organized.
- A network against forgetting will be established and civil society will be involved.
This complex and extensive project can be realized with the help of funding from “Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Meiden” (The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Environment), “Stiftung niedersächsische Gedenkstätten” (Lower Saxony Memorials Foundation), “Stiftung Niedersachsen” (Lower Saxony Foundation) and the “Niedersächsische Lotto-Sport-Stiftung” (Lower Saxony Lottery Sports Foundation).
October 2021
Talks and exchange in Hamburg
In October, some of our members met in Hamburg with Yazidi (Ezidi) lawyers, the Hesen & Rinde Düman Foundation and Hamburgs Agency for Civic Education. The aim of the joint talks is to build up a network. The talks will be continued in the future and there are already concrete ideas for projects, most of which are to be implemented together next year. With the Hesen & Rinde Düman Foundation, for example, we are working on a calendar for 2023 in 2022.
September-October 2021
Once again donated 177 trees
We are happy to announce to all of you that the next round of tree planting can begin. Between March and September, 177 trees were donated and will be planted in Sinjar in the coming weeks.
Approx. 1200 fruit trees (1000 at temples, 200 in gardens) and 2000 oak trees (as erosion protection on slopes) have been donated so far – what a great success! We thank all donors from the bottom of our hearts.
Due to the response, we have decided to extend the campaign indefinitely. Planting will begin in October and March. If you donate, you can write a dedication for each tree in the ‘intended use‘, so that each tree gets a personal touch later on.
1 tree 4 Sinjar = 20$
Intended use: 1tree4Sinjar
IBAN: DE71 2505 0180 0910 4550 82
September 2021
Film screening and discourse "JIYAN – die vergessenen Opfer des IS"
In Hanover, members of Women for Justice participated in the film screening with discourse. After the opening speech, the film “JIYAN – die vergessenen Opfer des IS” (“JIYAN – the forgotten victims of IS”) was watched together.
Najla Matto is an Yazidi (Ezidi) woman who survived the genocide-femicide in 2014 and the following time in “IS” captivity. She is the protagonist in the film and sat on the podium at the event in Hanover (2nd from left). It was visibly difficult for her to speak there, it is and remains a very deep and terrible topic for those affected, but also for the Yazidis (Ezidis) in general. No person in the room, regardless of origin, ethnicity or gender, remained untouched.
Also present was Jihan Alomar (1st from left). She is also a survivor of the genocide-femicide and co-author of the book “Dankbarkeit. Die schlimmste Zeit meines Lebens” (“Gratitude. The Worst Time of My Life”), which she presented on the podium. In addition, Düzen Tekkal (director of the film, 3rd from left) and Dr. Maria Flachsbarth (Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2nd from right) participated in the conversation moderated by Katie Gallus (foreign journalist, 1st from right).
About the screening, our member Dîlan says: “Personally, I saw the screening as very emotional, firstly because I am an Yazidi (Ezidi) myself and secondly because I know Najla myself. Besides, I also saw the first film by Düzen Tekkal a few years ago and I think it was also really well done.”

September 2021
Support for our public relations work
filia. die Frauenstiftung generously supports our public relations work, for which we would like to express our sincere thanks! The advisory board of filia’s empowerment program Women* & Flight has decided to provide us with 6.000€ over 10 months.
Among other things, we want to use the funding to support the touring exhibition “ÜberLeben. Ezidinnen nach dem Femizid 2014. Aufarbeitung – Gerechtigkeit – Menschenrechte” to digitalize.

August-December 2021
Single projects for the accompaniment of Yazidis (Ezidis) in Brandenburg
From August to the end of the year, Women for Justice e. V. will be significantly involved in the planning and implementation of a series of projects for the accompaniment of Yazidis (Ezidis) who have been accepted as part of a special contingent in Brandenburg. These are mainly social and competence strengthening projects. The cooperation partner is Caritas in Brandenburg.
July-August 2021
ÜberLeben exhibition in Münster
The touring exhibition ÜberLeben will be on display in Münster’s Bürgerhalle from July 9 to August 13, 2021. At the opening on July 9, the President of the Government of Münster, Dorothee Feller, gave a speech. Genocide feminicide survivors, our representative Dr. Leyla Ferman and the patron of the association “Aktion Hoffnungsschimmer”, Dr. Jochen Reidegeld, were in conversation afterwards.

July 2021
Interview with our representative Dr. Leyla Ferman
Our representative Dr. Leyla Ferman spoke with the radio station “Rudaw Kurmancî” about the international recognition of the genocide femicide against the Yezid:in since 2014 and the work of our association Women for Justice e. V.. In the interview, she makes the case that social justice must be created for Yezid:ins and that there is a human responsibility.
The interview is in Kurdish, follow this link.

July 2021
Meeting with the Lower Saxony Women's Council
Some of our members and our board of directors met with representatives of the Lower Saxony Women’s Council in July. After getting to know each other, an exciting exchange took place and first cooperation ideas were forged.

July 2021
Interview in the Westfälische Nachrichten and report at Rudaw
On the occasion of the exhibition opening “ÜberLeben” in Münster on July 9, 2021, Dietrich Harhues (editor Westfälische Nachrichten) interviewed our representative Dr. Leyla Ferman as well as the patron of the association “Aktion Hoffnunsgschimmer” Dr. Jochen Reidegeld. Click here for the article.
The news portal Rudaw in Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) also reported on the exhibition. Click here for the article.
The exhibition will be shown from July 9 to August 13, 2021 in the Bürgerhalle of the city of Münster.

July 2021
Talks with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
In July we had talks with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway regarding the situation of the Yazidis (Ezidis), the genocide and possible support. It was a stimulating exchange and we hope to deepen this relationship in the future.

June-July 2021
Trial observation in the second trial against "IS" woman Omaima A.
In June and July, we again participated in a trial observation against an “IS” terrorist. Omaima A. was already convicted in October 2020 as a returnee of the terrorist militia of the so-called Islamic State (IS) in Syria. Now there was a second trial against her in the Higher Regional Court in Hamburg. The 36-year-old was accused of having aided and abetted the enslavement of two Yazidi (Ezidi) women as a member of the terrorist organization, who had been kidnapped during the genocide of the “IS” against the Yazidis (Ezidis) in Sinjar in 2014.
On July 22, 2021, the German was convicted of aiding and abetting crimes against humanity. One of the Yazidi (Ezidi) women had joined the proceedings before the Hamburg Higher Regional Court as a joint plaintiff and was represented by Amal Clooney, Natalie von Wistinghausen and Sonka Mehner. It was the fourth time that a German court convicted an “IS“ member of crimes against humanity against the Yazidis (Ezidis).

June-July 2021
MASTER CLASS: "Peace without Justice: Mass Atrocities in a Post-Human Rights Age."
This year’s Geoffrey Nice Foundation Master class on law, history, politics, and society in the context of Mass Atrocities was held June 28-July 10, 2021. It was titled “Peace without Justice: Mass Atrocities in a Post-Human Rights Age.” Within this framework, our representative Dr. Leyla Ferman gave a presentation on “From Victim to Human Rights Defender. How Yazidi women fight for their rights after the genocide”. This was followed by a lively discussion with the participants.
May 2021
1 tree 4 Sinjar: Planting at Şêşims close to Xanesor
Videos of planting fruit trees in Shingal in April 2021. Here are pictures of the plantings at Şêşims close to Xanesor. The campaign runs permanently! Fruit trees are planted annually in March and in October. Donations at:
Women for Justice e. V.
Sparkasse Hannover
IBAN: DE71 2505 0180 0910 4550 82
reason for payment: 1tree4Sinjar + name for dedication (for donation receipt + address)
Music from
May 2021
1 tree 4 Sinjar: Planting at Çil Mêra
Videos of planting fruit trees in Shingal in April 2021. Here are pictures of the plantings at Çil Mêra. The campaign runs permanently! Fruit trees are planted annually in March and in October. Donations at:
Women for Justice e. V.
Sparkasse Hannover
IBAN: DE71 2505 0180 0910 4550 82
reason for payment: 1tree4Sinjar + name for dedication (for donation receipt + address)
Music from

April 2021
Talk with the Danish Parliament
Two of our members were invited to speak about the situation in Sinjar in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Danish Parliament in April. The MPs took one hour for the fruitful discussion. In the end, there was great interest in continuing the exchange.
April 2021
Planting of fruit trees started
In Sinjar we have now started to implement the second part of the campaign „Ein Baum für Shingal – 1 tree 4 Sinjar“: The planting of the fruit trees. They are expected to last about a week.
The seedlings will be planted mainly around Yezidi shrines. In this way, they are accessible to the entire population. On the second day, for example, they were grown around the sanctuary of Şêşims.

March 2021
Women for Justice e. V. speaks to the Foreign Affairs Committee in the New Zealand Parliament
In March, our representative Dr. Leyla Ferman was invited to speak at the meeting of the Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade Committee. The committee of the New Zealand Parliament took 10 minutes to present the concerns of the Yazidis (Ezidis) and to answer questions from committee members.
This is an important step to continue to inform the international community and encourage them to act. After this exchange on the situation in Sinjar, the intention remains for the time being to meet again.

March 2021
Kindergarten project in Serdeşt
The plans for the construction of a kindergarten in Serdeşt are progressing and taking more and more concrete shape. Different locations are under discussion and we are in active exchange with all partners involved.
Serdeşt is a place in the Sinjar Mountains. In this region many survivors live in a large camp. They are still not able to return to their villages as the reconstruction can’t happen in many places due to a lack of support. That is why the establishment of a kindergarten seems to be particularly important at this location. It should offer care places for up to 70 children.

March 2021
Exchange with Member of the Bundestag Ottmar von Holtz
In March, some of our members of Women for Justice e. V. exchanged ideas with the member of the Bundestag Ottmar von Holtz (Grüne). This first meeting was about the dialogue about the situation in Sinjar and about our different projects.
March 2021
Employee in Shingal introduces herself
Since this month we have a new and therefore our first permanent employee in Sinjar. Necad Hecî Îdo is 21 years old and a student from Xanasor. Necad has experience in press relations. She will accompany and coordinate our and the projects of Aktion Hoffnungsschimmer e. V. next to the numerous volunteer members.
February 2021
1 tree 4 Sinjar: 2,000 oaks planted in Şîlo
The first part of the “One tree for Shingal – 1 tree 4 Sinjar” campaign has now been implemented: In the Şîlo area, between Serdeşt and Barê, a total of 100 women put acorns in the ground for 4 days. After the planting, which was financially supported by Aktion Hoffnungsschimmer e. V., could only be started late due to the frosts, 2,000 oak trees will now grow in the area.
Members of Women for Justice e. V. and our partners from Ezidi Woman Support League had already collected the acorns by themselves with a group of women at the end of 2020, they originate from the region. Over the months, they were then able to germinate and have now been placed in the ground. A special feature of these oaks is that they do not require any special care at this location in order to grow into healthy, strong trees. This is another reason why these oaks were chosen: they stand as a symbol for the self-confidence and life of the Yazidis (Ezidis) and especially the Yazidi (Ezidi) women, because they are so strong and can withstand any weather conditions and still continue to live and grow.
Soon the second part of the campaign “One tree for Shingal – 1 tree 4 Sinjar”, the planting of the fruit trees, will start and the first transfer of donations has already taken place. We have been collecting donations for the fruit trees since November 2020, through which they will be sustainably financed: It has been started to select and buy seedlings. This second part will be done under professional guidance of gardeners from the region. Because the fruit trees require much more care and are also much more sensitive and therefore also need care and attention over a period of time. The gardeners impart this knowledge to the recipients. The implementation of the entire second phase of the campaign is scheduled to begin in full swing in the coming days. Since the planting period varies depending on the type of tree and the transfer of knowledge will take place gradually, we will continue to collect donations for the fruit trees: One tree for Shingal = 20€
February 2021
Planting started, extension of the campaign and press article "Ein Baum für Shingal - 1 tree 4 Sinjar"
We are pleased to inform you and all of you that in mid-February, with some delay due to the frosts, the planting of the oaks in Sinjar could begin. This will be followed by the fruit trees.
So far more than 1100 trees have been donated – what a great success! We thank all donors from the bottom of our hearts.
Due to the response, we have decided to extend the campaign until March. Accordingly, our member Dagmar Humsi presents the campaign on the front page of the current issue of the “Markt”.

February 2021
Joint statement: Civil society supports historic Genocide Amendment to UK Trade Bill
In February, we joined 19 other organizations in the following statement:
Joint Statement: Civil Society Supports Historic Genocide Amendment to UK Trade Bill (8 February 2021)
Genocides and other mass atrocity crimes have claimed the lives of over 80 million victims globally since 1945. Today the very existence of the Rohingya in Myanmar and the Uyghur in China is threatened by ongoing violations including torture, rape and sexual violence, forced starvation, and the deprivation of liberty and dignity. We see the proposed Genocide Amendment to the Trade Bill (“the Genocide Amendment”) as a historic opportunity for the United Kingdom to demonstrate global leadership by considering trade and other consequences with governments and regimes that seek systemically to destroy whole communities from their populations.(…)

February 2021
International Conference: Memory, law and rights
On the occasion of the 70. Anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide this international conference took place.
Our representative Dr. Leyla Ferman gave a lecture on the topic “How Genocide changes Women’s role in society. The case of Yazidis from Sinjar/Iraq.”
January-February 2021
Touring exhibition "ÜberLeben" in Germersheim
Our traveling exhibition “Über Leben. Ezidinnen nach dem Femizid 2014. Aufarbeitung – Gerechtigkeit – Menschenrechte” was shown in Germersheim in January and February in a shop window in Ludwigsstraße. The exhibition was on display until February 3. The „Deutsche Frauenring Germersheim“ and the „Zentrumsmanagement Germersheim“ organized this “pandemic-compliant” opportunity on site.

January 2021
Information booklet on destroyed temples in Sinjar
After extensive research, interviews and visits to destroyed temples on site, the booklet „Aufbauende Erinnerungen. Ezid_innen und durch den Islamischen Staat zerstörte heilige Tempel in Shingal“ (“Reconstructing Memories. Yazidis and sacred temples destroyed by the Islamic State in Sinjar”) has been printed. The booklet is available in German and Kurdish. It can be ordered simply by sending an e-mail.

January 2021
Meeting with Ronya Othmann
In January, members of Women for Justice e. V. met with author and journalist Ronya Othmann. She is an Yazidi (Ezidi) and writes about German foreign policy in the Middle East, the genocide of the Yazidis (Ezidis), trauma, flight, migration, Kurdish issues, queer issues, racism, violence and discrimination. At the joint meeting we got to know each other, exchanged ideas about projects and decided to stay in touch in the future.
January 2021
Official trailer of the association Women for Justice e. V.
In January 2021 we released our official trailer in English and German.
Permanent Activity
Meeting female survivors
We understand meetings with female survivors as the basis of all our work. We have been meeting female survivors from Sinjar both as inviduals and in groups. Besides social care and legal advice, we try to find out methods to enable Yazidi (Ezidi) survivors to make their own decisions in life here in Germany.