10 years after the genocide against the Yazidis (Ezidis) – series of events in Hamburg (August-December 2024)

Women for Justice e. V., the Interkulturelle Werkstatt e. V. and the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg have organised a series of events in Hamburg entitled “Ten years after the genocide against the Yazidis (Ezidis) | Remembering – Coming to terms – Consequences”. The event formats are varied: Exhibitions, lectures, film screenings and discussion events. Some of them are organised in cooperation with other partners.

All dates and the idea behind the series of events can be viewed here.

Our official organization-trailer as Women for Justice e. V.

”Those, who were seen as the weakest – turned out to be the strongest.”

Dr. Leyla Ferman (Representative of Women for Justice e. V.)

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